Progress - Chapter 3 - In a very long book

We have been experiencing progress in many ways on Lynn Creek Road.  Our acreage is a constant work in progress, with the bulk of that falling on Johnny's shoulders.  We (mainly Johnny and his brother) cut down large trees and small trees and "devil trees" and piled them up into an huge burn pile.  Then we burned the pile.  (See previous post)  Then drove over the pile and pushed it back together to burn it down again into ashes.  Then picked up hundreds of branches and sticks and rocks and finally have a beautiful area that will be our backyard - free of stickers and thorns and rocks and sticks.  I'm especially proud of the before and after pictures of the landscape.  It looks like a homestead coming together.  
Before....see the large pile of trees and brush?
After!!!  Looks so great!!
But today, we have a new type of progress that we have been patiently (....I've not been so patient) waiting to see.  Our home is taking shape!  What a beautiful change to our view from the "Casa" (the name of our camper).  I am excited to share and hope to add more pictures every day this week!   


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